What is personalisation?
Personalisation refers to the practice of personalising the message and the targeting of marketing communications in order to match specific creative and products to specific audiences. When done successfully, personalisation increases engagement, drive leads and make your customers happy. In return, they will trust you more and reward you with more attention and purchases.
Rather than pursuing the outdated principle of “right content, right time, right individual,” experts suggests that creating more “personal experience” is more achievable through data-driven experience and design principles. Instead of thinking of novel or complex ideas, the most successful experience is one that solves user problems.
Here are the ‘dos’ of creating the best personal experience:
Understanding and assessing your data
Did you know that shoes are a key category of interest? Searches for shoes and their models and prices shoot up during the holiday season with increased demand for celebrity endorsed shoes. In Singapore, 41% of shoppers are researching online to buy offline while 60% of searches for retail brands are related to its physical store location.
Using dynamic creative technology to aid personalisation
Product retargeting with dynamic creative is often more than simply showing the last product seen. Often multiple products will be shown in a retargeting ad. One expert tactic is to retarget the user with best-selling items in the same category they viewed.
Use an omnichannel approach
If there were ever a time to develop an omnichannel approach, it would be the holiday shopping season. Customers will be spending money, and studies show that shoppers who engage (and have a consistent, personalized experience) with a brand on multiple channels, spend 4-10% more than a single-channel shopper.
Examples to implement personalisation this holiday season
Every year, shopping searches will peak just before the cyber weekend so you need to ensure that your ads stand out from the waves of advertisements fighting for your audiences’ attention. Here are some examples of what your brand can look into to implement personalisation:
- Leverage on users’ browsing history to personalise your home page recommendations
- Up-selling and cross selling with related products and categories on product and cart pages
- Deliver a mixture of content to aid purchase decision at the right time
- Establish a relationship through real personalised response to fans (See our Dulux Ambiance – Personalise Your World campaign)
- Use Vogon bumper ads to speak to consumers’ needs in the moment (See our Darlie All Shiny White Supreme Launch campaign)
Now that we’ve covered the ‘dos,’ marketers need to avoid ‘zombie personalisation.’ The term is used to describe the phenomenon where awkward or failed personalisation has the opposite effect, revealing how inhuman and uncreative the brand is. For instance, when a product that the user has already bought or does not want follows him, it undermines the relationship with the brand and burns the bridges with consumers.
When implementing personalisation into your campaign, you need to properly examine why you’re using it in a broader strategic level. By using data and human intuition, ensure you are creating a quality personalised experience that subtly attune to an individual and deliver on brand and performance goals. When used well, it can be a smart way to communicate better.